Author Archives: rosegarden892

Satan Unbound

In Revelation, much is revealed about the Great Prophecy of the Last Days. One should understand that, until the Millennium occurs, a period of 1,000 years when Jesus Himself rules the Earth from Jerusalem, that Satan and his cohort are free to roam the earth to tempt us to sin. Satan and his followers, i.e. demons, spirits, fallen angels will all be shackled in chains for a thousand years and unable to tempt humans into sin.

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Hole Redeemed

Commentaries say Thomas was able to put his finger into Jesus’ side wound. Remember it was made by a spear while on the Cross! So, it would not be a small or shallow wound. Apparently, Jesus, though resurrected from death to life, still bore the raw newness of healed wounds.

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WWJD? “Driving”

Back in the 1990’s, “What Would Jesus Do?” became a popular slogan and it became commercialized. The slogan appeared on everything, it seems, and one could purchase wrist bracelets with W.W.J.D.? emblazoned on it. It was meant to be worn as a reminder to a believer to pray for wisdom when it was not clear as what to do. What would Jesus do about driving a car?

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Reason for the Season

Christmas Season is a time when many celebrate a holiday filled with many warm hearted traditions. In America we celebrate with “Christmas Trees” decorated with colorful lights and shiny ornaments. Many give and/or exchange gifts with friends and family. It’s a time when people tend to become more charitable and go out of their way to help those in need. with their time or money. Many songs and movies have been created to help us enjoy and celebrate Christmas.

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Early English Bibles

Aitken’s Bible

When War of Independence from England began. America was cutoff from Bibles imports. American printer named Aitken was first American to print Bible in America. Congress approved of Aitken’s Bible. General Washington wanted all discharged soldiers given these Bibles. But, the war was over and too late to give out copies. Aitken acted as a light to his fellow American believers when he undertook the challenge of printing the Bible. Today, for us, that would be like typing an entire Bible translation into a word processor and printing it off. A lot of work, but far easier for us than for Aitken. Whatever we can do to spread the Word of God is part of being a light to the lost and fallen world. Amen!

Aitken’s Bible