Tag Archives: Mothers Day

Moments With Mom

While growing up, I always have pets. Usually cats and dogs. I sometime took care of baby lambs and pigs. But, I do love my kitty cats! My Mother was ok with pets but only if outside or in basement. When cold outside, I bring them inside. I got a litter box for our cats so they stay inside more. If I take care of them, my Mom was happy. Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day 2018

I’m sure you all have memories of your Mother.  Some Mothers are still living.  Wonderful!  Some of you are Mothers.  Great!  Some of your Mothers are no longer living, but they live in your hearts.  I miss my Mom but I’m happy for the times that I had with her.

My Mother was fond of phrases.  I’m not sure why but she liked them:  

  • “A watched pot never boils.”
  • “Haste makes waste.”
  • “We grow too soon old and too late smart.”

It’s funny. Now I can’t really remember any particular phrase that my Mother really liked.  It’s just when a situation comes up, I think about what Mom would say!  Then I think, oh my! I’m turning into my Mom.  But that’s ok.

My Mom read somewhere that the best gifts that you can give your children are Roots and Wings.  That makes one pause and think about it.  

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Mother’s Day

Today, May 14, is Mother’s Day, a day to remember and celebrate our mothers. Some of our mothers are living. Wonderful! What a blessing! For some of us, our mothers have passed on. Our mothers live on in our hearts and always be a part of us and our memories.

One of my favorite memories is about my mother waiting for me after school. Our farmhouse porch had a swing and we sat there to talk. I told her about my day, and she listened. Sometimes we talked for 5 minutes. Sometimes for half hour or more. I always appreciated the time she took with me. It was our special time together. It was a break in our day. For her, a break from work. For me a break after school. We then did our farm chores. Some days we had misunderstandings and be upset. This happened more often when I was a teenager. But we always talked through our differences. Then we understood and forgave each other.

Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you.” (WEB)

I’m sure you all have your own memories of your mother. God Bless our mothers.