Tag Archives: Sin

All That Craziness

Recently, I went to the Dentist for my check-up. The office front door was locked! Before I could enter, they “ray-gunned” me for my temperature. Everyone wore a mask, and the office smelled of disinfectants. I had to fill out and sign a legal waiver in case I catch the corona virus. There was no turning back! I prayed to God for protection.

My dental hygienist was nice. She explained how they changed their dental procedures to make it more safe, but that there was still risk. She not only wore a face mask, but also a helmet with flip-down, see-through visor. She looked liked a welder! Please pray for her and others like her. Everyone in the medical profession are on the front line in the fight against the pandemic. God Bless them!

At the end of my visit, the Dentist came in to double-check my hygienist’s work. Before leaving he said, “Keep safe out there in all that craziness.” He was gone before I could think of a Biblical reply. He made me think about all the violence and turmoil we see today. What is the Biblical reply?

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Our family lived in Philadelphia in a big, old house. I was in second grade when I got my first hearing aid. It was so big my mother had to sew pockets inside all my t-shirts to hold it. It came with a 3-wire cord that connected the body piece in my pocket with a small earplug in my ear. It whistled a lot, the result of frequent feedback. But I was a proud owner and kids in my class at school all wanted to see it. I felt acceptance as to who I was. It was a time of innocence for schools and children.

I remember being able to walk to school. School in those days were safe places. In those old days there was no need to worry about school violence. Why now? Fences are built around school buildings. Doors are locked, identification is needed. There is armed security and scanners. Our children are rightly scared of going to school. People argue about how to protect the schools and the best way to do so. What’s different about 2018 and the 1950’s and 1960’s when I was in school?

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Repent & Believe

I was stubborn and unyielding. As an atheist I insisted there was no God. I said to myself that I tried to do everything the right way. I learned to deal with my deafness, and as a hearing impaired person I was able to survive. Yes, I survived the hearing world and I did “ok”. I was happy most of the time with that. Continue reading

Good News

Ah, John 3:16.  The most often quoted of all verses of the Bible.  It is the “Good News” of eternal salvation offered by God to believers.  I grew up deaf and hearing impaired, not Hearing. Church did not appeal to me.  Because of my deafness and hearing impairment, I did not learn much or understand much.  But, John 3:16 was one of the very few verses I learned to memorize. Continue reading


I grew up not knowing I sinned and “fell short of the glory of God”.  I did not know I was “dead in sin”.  Also, I did not know of God’s gift through his Son, Jesus.  Because I was hearing impaired, even while wearing a hearing aid, I did not appreciate church.  My family took me to church.  I could not understand the Preacher from where we sat.  So I was bored with church. Continue reading